Colt LX

Fun and cheap ride

139 words, North America

Colt E 1.5L MFI

Cheap ride!

139 words, North America

Colt L 1.5

Basic/inexpensive in-city transportation

136 words, North America, 1 comment

Colt 1.5 liter

A constant thrilling ride

81 words, North America

Colt E 1.5 EFI

I sure got my money's worth out of it!

132 words, North America, 1 comment

Colt E

A wonderful car that is very cheap to maintain

66 words, North America

Colt E Import 1.5 Liter

A monster shifter that's good on gas

35 words, North America

Colt 1.5l

The Colt is a great car, more than meeting a person's driving needs

249 words, North America

Colt E 1.5L

Bargain, great performance if it stays working for you

71 words, North America, 3 comments

Colt DL 1.5 gasoline

A great little city commuter

118 words, North America