1993 Dodge Spirit from North America


I can't believe there isn't a class action suit going


After a driving this care 2.5 hours/day for a few days, my back started to ache. I put in an Obusforme, which helped considerably. Then my right hip started aching mildly, and I thought I must be getting old. When I reached the point of limping, I thought I must have developed a serious medical problem. Bone cancer in my hip came to mind. I finally realized the problem was with the driver's seat. It is designed with a ridge of foam on the right side, which drives the femur into the hip joint. I've tried levelling the seat by stuffing towels under the Obusforme, but nothing seems to help. I want rid of this car.

I drive 1000+ hwy km every week, and my fuel costs with this four cylinder car are much higher than with my 6 cylinder Taurus.

I'd been warned about Dodges having problems with heating and cooling, but had to learn for myself. The fan doesn't kick in until I'm on the highway, so I'm scraping my windshield, working the wipers, and using a towel to keep the condensation cleared. I have no choice of which I'm aware, until I can get it in for servicing, and hope that this can be fixed.

General Comments:

My first mistake was in buying a four cylinder car. It's my first four. I've owned 6's and 8's, and appreciate performance when I need it.

My second mistake was in buying a Dodge, in spite of warnings.

I will say that it has been reliable. Will I survive the hydroplaning and ever walk normally again? Not with this car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 10th October, 2002

24th Oct 2002, 09:28

This was not about the car, but about making bad personal choices and blaming the car for them.

1st Nov 2002, 14:16

I've had my 94 Spirit for three years and am very very comfortable in it. I'm not sure what this person is talking about, but he or she just may be a hypochondriac...

2nd Jan 2003, 10:40

I have a 1990 Dodge Spirit. Aside from a few problems, it has been a fairly reliable vehicle. got a good deal on it. I put a new clutch in it about a month ago. Now it drives much better; but still makes transmission sounds when clutch is NOT depressed. Mine has around 135,000 miles on it and still achieves good gas mileage. I'm impressed.

14th Oct 2005, 05:07

On my 93, I also noticed (slight) pain in my hip, and I'm only 20. But then again, at 6'2", I drive too close to the wheel, and that pain only occurs in traffic jams. The brake pedal is just placed much higher than the gas. That's a common Chrysler car problem. But, then again, Alfa Romeo's are even worse in their pedal placement problems...

17th Oct 2005, 21:59

I love this car, but is there a light for the inside anywhere?

6th Jun 2011, 10:54

If you think your hip hurts now, try a Suzuki Sidekick.

I have a 60 mile round trip each day. When I drove my Sidekick, stiffness was daily, with my Spirit, most days there is none. When I get to work I feel pretty good, in fact the day I bought the car I drove it about 175 miles with no stiffness.

I think the bucket seats are pretty good, an armrest would be nice though. I'm 6ft 2in and 290 lbs and have good leg room and headroom.

1993 Dodge Spirit 2.5 liter non-turbo from North America


A money trap


Front struts.

All four brakes at once.

Gasket between 2nd and 3rd cylinder.

Transmission springs loosen causing the car to lose power, and prevent gear shifting. Also prohibits you from going above 40-50 M.P.H. Cannot fully correct the problem. Springs have to be tightened every so often.

Blows smoke out the tail pipe, and burns oil on the motor. You can smell oil burning, and sometimes see a little smoke coming from motor.

General Comments:

Overall I rushed into the purchase of this car. I wouldn't buy it again. Like other Chrysler cars, it also has a horrible turning radius. I went from one headache to another. Often problems occured only days apart.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 29th June, 2001

1993 Dodge Spirit SE 3.0 from North America


Great car! Didn't spend much money on it in repairs, hope my next car will be as good as this one


Front wheel bearings went out at 65000km.

Front rotors changed at 150000km.

Fuel pump at 180000km because of rust.

Ball joints at 208000km, normal wear.

General Comments:

3.0L engine still runs good, the transmission works good and everything else is original from the factory (battery, muffler, shocks). It's been driven highway use only, had the 7/115000km warranty and never needed it!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 30th May, 2001