1990 Nissan Stanza GXE 2.5 12valve


Hight performance at medium cost


-Replaced central motor support at 90000 miles.

-Alternator was twice replaced at 104000.

-Rotor (distributor) was replaced at 106000.

-Automatic transmission broke up at 108000 miles.

General Comments:

-This car has performed good.

-I give it heavy use, this city is full of breaches and bad state avenues, so I'm very pleased for the money investment I've made.

-The transmission broke up because the car was used for racing before.

-Interior looks excellent, the sun and the years has caused little damage, but it still looks great with a little hand every week.

-Seats and sunroof hasn't suffered any damage by general use.

-Everything works, the air conditioner has four years without maintenance and still works fine.

-This car has expensive repairs, but nothing broke's up until you give it hard use.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 31st May, 2004