1995 Dodge Neon


A great car for women of petite stature


The only problem that I had with the car was overheating due to thermostat problems.

General Comments:

This car is really reliable.

This car has good gas mileage

This car is very easy to handle.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 10th January, 2002

1995 Dodge Neon Sports Coupe


Great car for the first 50,000 miles


The check engine light came on before 60,000 miles. No one could find anything wrong with my car. The light went out after a tune up.

After 50,000 miles I noticed the air conditioner only gave hot air. I was told I have a leak and they cannot tell where the leak is coming from.

At 63,000 miles, my car started leaking oil. I was told it was the head gasket and would cost over $800 to fix it. I called Chrysler and explained my issue and they told me to take it to a dealer, and that I would be responsible for the first $100.

General Comments:

The Neon has been a great car for the first 55,000 miles. After that, everything seemed to go down hill.

It was this web site that helped me discover the head gasket as a major issue with the Neon. Without this site, I would have spent $800 to get this fixed instead of having Chrysler pay for it.

I was told there is no guarantee that my car will be as good as new. It seems they have restructured the head gasket a couple of times over the past years. A big problem is when someone gets the gasket leak fixed, the mechanic only replaces certain parts and the leak will still occur.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 11th November, 2001

9th Mar 2005, 15:17

I was reading through your review, and now I am just wondering how do you contact Chrysler or Dodge to have them pay for the head gasket? I was told I have a head gasket and cam sensor leak in my Neon, and they estimated it as a $600.00 fix. If Chrysler or Dodge will pay for it, then that would be fantastic. Any information regarding this would be helpful. Thank you.

24th Jul 2005, 13:48

Basically I just did a search online for the main Chrysler Corporation number and talked to several different individuals before one would help me.

1995 Dodge Neon Sport Coupe 2.0 S.O.H.C.


A piece of unreliable garbage


From the beginning.

The main bearing/head gasket went at 178000km.

The paint has been chipping off the side of the car since spring.

Air Conditioning doesn't work anymore.

Ignition Coil died.

Fuel pump and filter required.

Water Pump, Timing belt, and possible engine damage were my most recent problem and it also is going to need new oxygen sensors soon.

General Comments:

The car is great to drive when it is performing normal but over the last two months this car has gone straight downhill as for repairs and performance.

Every time I want to take a trip out of town the car breaks down and I'm stranded and it's always serious problems never something simple.

The local Chrysler dealer has been no help at all and I would never buy another Chrysler product even if it was the last car on the planet. They are nothing but a hassle and an expense.

$2300 in the last two months to be exact. I only paid $4300 for the car in the first place.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 29th August, 2001

18th Oct 2001, 09:05

We had a 1995 Neon Sport. It was fun to drive, but did have a lot of engine noise.

We had the same problem with repairs. At about 100,000 miles everything started to break. We spent over $3,000 in repairs in about 3 months. We replaced about every seal and gasket in the engine. New CV joints. New timing belt and water pump. All things I guess you could expect to go bad at 100K miles. Not a bad car, just when things start to go... they all went bad.

15th Dec 2001, 23:34

With 178,000 kms (over 100,000 miles), you can expect such problems with any car, that's not so bad.

25th Jun 2002, 21:40

I haven't had any problems with my Honda Prelude

1985, 190000 km, about 1000 times more reliable than a Neon. I wouldn't think twice before buying a Honda over a Dodge.

25th Oct 2002, 18:15

Dodge Neon 1995 Sports Coupe, DOC. This vehicle has been a continual disappointment. Although it ran well until approx. 110,000km, I've encountered problems and have had to replace the fuel pump, head gasket, spark plugs continually, and plug wires. My automatic window is no longer so I now have one automatic and one manual. Paint chips and scrapes easily. When she runs, I enjoy the the size and economy of this car, but am now also anticipating replacing the clutch and possibly the gear box. I do not recommend this vehicle.