2000 Ford Focus ZTS


For the price? An awesome car!


Nothing! The car has behaved great. The only problem that I find is that it doesn't speed fast enough, not a big deal but annoying when changing lanes.

General Comments:

I love the car! Beautiful forest green 4 door car! Leather seats and CD! What else could I ask! Wonderful commute! What else could I ask for only $16,000!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 26th July, 2000

2000 Ford Focus 2.0


Biggest piece of crap that has ever rolled outta Detroit!


Electrical harness has burned out! Front brakes make scrubbing noise that can't be fixed, A/C blows hot air out of the blue for no reason.

General Comments:

They need to send these things back to where they got them cause they are the biggest piece of crap that has ever rolled outta Detroit!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 30th June, 2000

6th Jul 2001, 14:02

I am the owner of a 2000 Ford Focus SE model. This car has been a headache ever since we drove it off the lot.

The most annoying and frustrating complaint I have is the constant brake noise. This car produces a loud screeching noise about 90% of the time we press on the brakes. Several times and several dealers have been sought to fix this problem, but none have been successful. The dealer where I purchased this car explained to me that the Environmental Protection Agency, beginning in the year 2000, requires ALL car manufacturers to use brake pads without asbestos in them and that this is normal in all new automobiles. Now, this to me is a most lame excuse. I do not hear any Volkswagens, Chryslers, Explorers, BMW's, Mercede's or any other makes or models out there producing brake noise!

Other complaints include the constant recalls (there have been about 5 already), the cab at times fills with engine odor. There are other complaints I have, but I will not list them all. I just cringe when I hear the Ford motto, "Quality is job 1", after owning such a mediocre vehicle.