1996 Mazda Protege DX 1.5L


This car is very DEPENDABLE!


Air conditioner went two days after I got it ($600.00) but was replaced under warranty.

Replaced transmission O-rings (nothing REALLY Big)

General Comments:

This car is very economical and WILL save you at the pump.

I've found out as long as you get regular oil changes and maintenance it will run and won't leave you disappointed.

I'm 17 and this car is a very solid car and quite speedy also.

The inside is very comfy and with what Mazda called "Optispace" is very clever.

I just wished Mazda still made the PROTEGE, but the Mazda 3 took it's place- still the same.

MAZDA is a very DEPENDABLE COMPANY as long as you take care of your car and keep it well maintained.

WHEN I get another Mazda it will probably be a 626 or either a MAZDA 6.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 1st January, 2008

1996 Mazda Protege LX 1.8

General Comments:

I am getting a Mazda protégé next Tuesday, and just wanted to say that I have test drove the car one time and have loved it ever since. Reading through some reviews I will look out for those break problems that everyone said it has. I am buying the car from a mechanic friend of mine and he has done a lot of work to the car so far. I did not hear any noise or rattles in the engine or the body of the vehicle. The car has 103k on it and he just rebuilt the engine. So as for the deal I’m getting I think it might be worth some of the problems mentioned in other reviews. The question I have is that so many of the people have brake problems and how often are they replaced? As for me I think I will take the chance on a foreign car this time. I have a Chevy Lumina that has 262k on it and it is a real work horse that does not require a lot of maintenance. I just hope that this is also a low maintenance car that will be reliable for some time.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 26th March, 2006

15th Mar 2010, 12:01

If you haven't already read, you will have some brake issues, but keep up on the pads and have the rotors turned every time. It's 30 bucks and worth it. I think people are complaining about the brakes, but have only replaced the pads and never done the rotors.

1996 Mazda Protege LXi 1.2L ??


Car must be best in class and it runs and runs and runs and runs!!


Not much outside of normal wear and tear over a lot of miles.

Early repair (<40,000mi) for some emission control equipment. Not too expensive.

Clutch -- replaced at 120k.

CV Joints -- replaced at 155,000.

Breaks -- front brakes last well over 100,000.

Radio volume knob started to fail at 150,000 miles.

General Comments:

Car was very reliable and amazingly comfortable for 6'2" 200lb guy. One of the only cars I've ever had where I didn't put seat all the way back. Car gave you great vision.

Gas mileage is wonderful: 31-34 mpg.

Car had good pick up with std transmission.

Car did sit too low to ground and 13" tires were too small and noisy. I noticed later models had bigger tires.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 17th May, 2005

1996 Mazda Protege LX 1.8L


A great, reliable car for a family of four


In the summer there has been ticking from the valves. I understand there is a relatively inexpensive sensor that can address that.

The resonator rusted out and had to be replaced.

Some trim pieces are starting to come off.

General Comments:

The Protege is a good little car.

The engine noise is acceptable.

The power is adequate.

The reliability is excellent.

The cockpits is set up in a strange manner though. The drink holder blocks the radio controls. Any sloshing drink seems to find its way into the radio buttons and causes the buttons to stick.

The trunk space is wonderful for such a small car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 5th February, 2004