1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max 2WD 2.4L SOHC


Best stock 4 banger pickup out there


Well when I first got the truck, the seat was already messed up pretty bad. Since fixed it a little bit.

Had to replace a clutch fork due to the previous owner breaking the clutch fork, which from what I hear is pretty hard to do. No problem since then.

Had to fix the stick shift to the transmission due to the previous owner.

Getting ready to replace the lifters, because of that tick that it seems every Mighty Max has.

Uses oil quickly.

General Comments:

Overall, the best driving vehicle I have owned.

Great gas mileage; at least 25 highway.

The cabin is very comfortable and roomy.

Very quick for a 4 cylinder.

Handles great, even without power steering.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 6th August, 2011

1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max p/u 2.4


A fuel-efficient, dependable, easily-maintained and practical truck


I needed an alignment. That's all the work, besides maintenance (oil change, timing belt, air & gas filters, etc.) in almost 3 yrs. of driving.

General Comments:

The only negative comment I have is that it's short on cab space.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 30th May, 2004

1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max 4x4 3.0L


Best small truck I've owned don't even want to try a Toyota


Replaced front brakes about 45000 miles cost $20.

IAC (idle air control) valve went out around 75000 miles cost about $180.

Replaced the timing belt at 80000 miles cost $75.

Crank shaft pulley bolt broke At 120000, replaced front gear and balancer, heli coiled shaft cost $320.

All the normal wear items along the line.

The seats have started to wear badly.

General Comments:

All in all I have enjoyed this truck very much. I will keep it running for another ten years. And believe that it will be easy to do.

The 4x4 in this truck is awesome. I have had 4x4 trucks of all kinds, but when you get in the small truck category. They seem fun to drive.

The 3.0l has all the power you will need for a small truck. Passing is easy you don't need a two mile down grade, just punch it and away it go's.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 18th February, 2004

11th Apr 2010, 08:33

I also own a 1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max. In fact if you do a Google search for it, mine is the the 4x4 with the dual chrome roll bar you see in the picture when Google gives you the search results.

I still have the truck with 137k on it currently. She doesn't smoke and runs like a top. I had to replace the timing belt twice, only because the guy who replaced it screwed me over, and left me with a mess of oil leaks, and the 2nd time the dealer did the change out.

I have been taking it to the dealer also for lube, oil and filter every 3k, since I got it new at Jerry Seiner Chevrolet/Mitsubishi in 1995. It was the last one they had of the 4x4, and was on the showroom floor for that reason.

It has never left me stranded anywhere in the 15 years I have had it, and I still have friends that would want to buy it from me.

The truck still has a long way to go, and is in no danger of going out anytime soon, unless something falls from space and takes it out... LOL.

It was because of that reliability that I again bought a Mitsubishi. It is my hope that having a 2nd vehicle will give me time to try to restore the truck to like new condition.

This link is to the truck and its info: http://4wheeldrive.about.com/library/uc/uc_Benny_BoiseID_1994Mitsubushi.htm

9th Jun 2010, 16:28

I have the same year truck, and I have had to replace the same things. It's getting up to about 190xxx, and all of a sudden it's just dying. Favorite truck I've had, and I'm in the process of rebuilding it.


1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max 2wd 2.4


Best bang for the buck ever!


The seats springs broke..

Flex pipe { exhaust } needed replacing.

General Comments:

I've had nothing else, but the 2 minor things go wrong, it is very dependable.

Uses a qt. of oil every 1000 mules though..

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 20th December, 2003

26th Nov 2004, 03:15

My seat springs broke too, how did you fix yours?

15th Dec 2004, 02:34

I have almost 190k on mine, I had a head gasket replaced at 100k. I am still on the original brakes, clutch, I go through about a quart of oil every 800 miles. I need to replace my seat springs, its not the actual springs that broke its that metal net that attaches to the springs. I have a new problem which surfaced this week, when driving I hear a howling noise I think it may be my axel bearing going bad. but other than that this truck has been great its the best car I have ever owned. 26MPG highway.

25th Sep 2008, 11:33

I own a Mitsubishi Might Max 1993 with 240,000 miles on it. I fixed my seat mesh with a combination of rope, wire, and twine. Only four bolts hold the bench seat in place. Remove it, turn it over, and start lashing the busted metal mesh back together. This is a good time to clean out the accumulated crud in your truck's cab. Installation is the reverse of removal. Take care to keep the seat belt ends aligned as you are reinstalling the seat. It took about one and a half hours to complete the repair. Now the seat is as good as new and I hope it lasts another 240K. I really like this truck, though I wish I had A/C and cruise control.