2001 Volkswagen Eurovan GLS VR6


A very nice van


My major complaint is poor fuel economy. The engine requires premium gas, and it only gets 14 to 16 mpg. It would be a really great car if it had a diesel engine. The diesel VW Jetta gets 50 mpg. Put that engine in the Eurovan and you'd have a winner.

The driver's seat is uncomfortable. My back was stiff after a 1700 mile trip. My Volvo seats feel better.

The seat is perhaps too high for the door opening. I'm 6'1" and sometimes hit my heat getting in.

All wheel drive would be nice, but, even with FWD, it does surprisingly well on ice and snow.

The space between the brake pedal and the center console is too narrow for a size 13 tennis shoe. I have to wedge in my shoe to press on the gas pedal.

General Comments:

It is the tallest minivan sold in the US (foreign or domestic) and has lots of head room. It works well with a wheel chair and side lift.

Acceleration is more than adequate, and it runs very smooth at 80 mph. A crosswind of 30 mph is no problem.

I like the front and rear heater/AC control feature.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 13th July, 2004