1992 Mazda 121 1.3i-16


A budget car with high performance


Ceiling light not working properly.

Wiper not tighten properly.

Steering Wheel too small.

General Comments:

Really a vast improvement over the 1st gen Proton Saga 1.3L which incur a lot of repair expenses as at least one thing malfunction every month!

Very new shiny yellow paint until looks like a new car with old no. plate.

Fuel economy fair - save petrol and increase performance by switching off air-con.

It is so powerful for such a small engine.

Very solid engine system.

It is very easy to park compared to Proton thus no dent will occur.

Very advanced electronics/alarm system.

Nice cool blue neon light add-on at night giving a modern high tech feel eventhough more than 10 yrs!

A very cute car just like my future wife.

$300 loan every month for 6-1/2 yrs which is below minimum $500 for a new car. It can be offset by my company overtime transport allowance. Can finally sleep in peace every night with less worries.

Well-liked by friends, colleagues, relatives and family members. They turn their head to this car but look away from my previous car. No more teasing finally. :)

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 4th August, 2004