1996 Chrysler Stratus LX 2.5 V6


Do not buy a Stratus


Where should I begin?

My air conditioner blew.

My distributor broke down.

My main module let me down.

General Comments:

I regret the day that I bought it. I could not use the car as long as my mechanic.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 3rd August, 2005

25th Oct 2005, 14:27

I bought my Stratus at 200'000km, now it's 300'000 and it's in PERFECT condition!

25th Oct 2005, 18:47

You can't buy a vehicle with 345000+ km on it and NOT expect things to start blowing on it. Heck, even at half that mileage things are going to go.

With mileage like that I be shouting, "Go buy a Stratus!"

26th Feb 2011, 15:23

I agree with the previous comment.

Over 300000Km? How can you expect to even begin to fathom how the previous owners treated the car? I say you came off OK on that deal.