1991 Citroen BX 16v 1.9 injection


Power, comfort, style and lots of smiles!


Renewed rear arm bearings - not really a fault however, they always need replacing about once every 100,000 miles.

Various 'wear n tear' things like rusty bumper mounts, wobbly speedometer, sticky front suspension struts, etc.

Has a bad misfire at low revs - still investigating this one!!

General Comments:

I love this car - I couldn't imagine a faster, more comfortable and more practical machine. I will drive it until it conks out, then rebuild it from scratch.

It is so quick it's obscene! Even on 130,000 miles it screams past most other cars on the road, but you have to treat it mean to get the meanest out of it - i.e. keep it above 4,000 RPM and the smile won't leave your face! The handling is superb - even though the front struts are seizing, you can throw it into corners and just *know* it will do what you want it to.

It looks amazing too: some may read this and conjure up images of a 'normal' BX and think 'what? You mean that ugly thing?!', but the phase II 16v has an extremely sexy makeover that's now unfortunately rarer and rarer on our roads, as boy racers cannibalize them to steal the engines for their Peugeot 205s. I'm just glad I found one while they're still cheap.

In short, if you want a car that will reach 60 mph in under 8 seconds on the way to 140 mph; carry two PA speakers, a PA head, and 4 other band members in the utmost comfort; and cost £500, then look no further.

The best thing about it though is the look on Nova-driving boy-racers' faces as you steam past them.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 21st March, 2003

1991 Citroen BX Athena 1.6 petrol


Faulty suspension valves.

High oil consumption.

Faulty suspension pipes.

Premature clutch failure.

Heavy clutch.

Jumps out of reverse.

Gearbox is starting to fail at 80K.

General Comments:

It's a nice car that would benefit from a VW engine and gearbox.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 10th February, 1998

3rd Oct 2001, 13:37

Your gearbox isn't failing. Remove the gear-lever cover. You will find a second cover inside the console (covering the hole through the cars bottom), it is ruptured and thus jamming the lever movement. Replace this cover and she will shift like new! All 16 and 19 (D) models start having this problem around 100.000km/60.000 miles...