1983 Chevrolet Chevette from North America


I LOVE this car!!!


I've changed motors, all kinds of little things. Considering what I put my cars through, they should have died long before they did.

I still have one Chevette left.

General Comments:

These cars are the best. I've had six of them. Don't think I'll ever have such a reliable car again. Always started, no matter what. I still have one chevette left in my driveway, but its going to need some work now.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 5th February, 2005

1983 Chevrolet Chevette from North America


Battery died after 6 Canadian winters.

Body is starting to rust quite nicely.

General Comments:

This car is slow, ugly and probably reduces my property value by parking in front of my house.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 6th December, 2003

29th Dec 2003, 10:22

Well, it was 13 years old by the time you bought it, so was probably pretty awful already, and now you've had it for seven years? Are you trying to keep your tax assessment down?

1983 Chevrolet Chevette 1.6 from North America


You Cannot Kill This Car



Carburetor-Multiple times.


Brake Master Cylinder.

Windshield washer fluid motor never worked.

General Comments:

What a car. It had it's ups and its downs. This car had no power and was ugly as hell. Unfortunately, it was the 4 door, and not the scooter.

Other than that, you could not get this car down. I honestly believe this is one of the toughest cars ever made. This was my first car, and I really let it have it, but it took it all and begged for more. No matter how cold, it always started up.

I don't think it is possible to wreck this vehicle. I hit a full grown female deer at 65, and after a new grille and headlight shroud, the car looked better than before.

This car is so much fun off-road! It has just enough power to spin the wheels on dirt. Of course, I had a four door with an automatic. I might have kept this car if it was the scooter with a manual. But, if you could get $1200 for trade-in, you would get rid of it too.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 25th January, 2003