1987 Chevrolet Spectrum DX 1.7 from North America


It was a great value for a growing family


Fuel pump diaphragm leaked - replaced when alcohol was added to all gasoline. About 40,000.

Totaled by insurance at 47 months. Straightened inner supports, added a new fender and hood. Drove for 6 more years.

Head gasket x 3 at 150000, 170000, and 180000 (2.5 hours first time, 70 minutes second, 45 minutes the last time).

If the mileage dropped to 30, I would change the power piston on the carb, and it would go back to the normal 40 mpg.

Don't leave the door open and let rain on those switches near the top of the dash - they short out and stick the lights on until they dry.

General Comments:

Rack and pinion, great handling, when loaded with family.

More room in the backseat than other compacts. The rear seat had a spring seat frame, not just a pad.

40 mpg, year after year - Had it made, and didn't know it.

Bought it off the showroom floor, brand new $7000, 2 door hatchback.

If we had a million on road now, we could be swimming in gas!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 7th March, 2012

1987 Chevrolet Spectrum CL from North America


Fond memories, but a terrible car


Clutch went out every 50,000 miles.

The car overheated constantly.

A/C never worked.

General Comments:

This was one of my first cars and it was something else. It got amazing mileage, but was a death trap. You literally could not get in a wreck if you wanted to live. The car could not be driven in the summer during the day or it would overheat, and also, the AC didn't work so you would sweat like hell. The car was pretty comfortable and open. Steering was terrible because it did not have power steering so you really got a work out when driving - you had to drive a few feet before turning. The funniest and worst thing about this car was the tiny 4 cylinder engine. It was terribly slow. You could not really go above 70 mph for long periods it just could not maintain a good speed, especially up hills. It was probably the slowest car made in the last 50 years - you had to put a stake in the ground to see if you were moving.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 9th September, 2007

10th Sep 2007, 02:09

Steering was terrible because it did not have manual steering so you really got a work out when driving - you had to drive a few feet before turning.

Did you mean that your car did not have power steering?

1987 Chevrolet Spectrum CL 1.5 liter from North America


A wonderful go-cart


Replaced both struts.

Replaced clutch cable.

Replaced head gasket.

Replaced muffler twice.

Replaced alternator.

Low compression on one cylinder.

Replaced CV joint.

General Comments:

Good fuel economy, about 12 kilometers per liter.

Great cornering ability, thanks to transverse mounted engine and front wheel drive.

A little sluggish on hills, probably because of one cylinder with low compression.

Considering odometer reading, this is a great little car.

The only fault which seems common in this car, is the carburettor which tends to have vacuum advance kickback when switching gears.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 27th February, 2007

1987 Chevrolet Spectrum 1.5 liter turbo from North America


Money well invested


Replaced timing belt every 70,000 miles.

Replaced computer at 30,000 miles.

Cloth seats are starting to come apart.

Rear window gasket replaced at 270,000 miles.

Replaced alternator.

Starting to leak oil.

General Comments:

This car has been a commuter's dream for 19 years, and the turbo charger makes it really quick, when coupled with the 5 speed transmission.

Sad to say, I've gained 40 pounds, and need to sell it to buy something bigger.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 11th May, 2006

21st Apr 2013, 18:36

I've owned a 1987 Chevy Spectrum turbo for about 10 years now, and it is still going at 302,500 miles. It is a 5 speed and I get about 30 miles to the gallon on a good day! I have a spare parts car and use pieces when needed. The car is 25 years old, and things break like frozen door handles in the winter!! I love my little turbo, and hope it goes for many more years.