1986 Dodge Omni Sedan 2.2 from North America


A great car at a low price that we can fix in our back yard


Other than regular upkeep, this is the most reliable car out off all I have owned (though I have ventured into Hyundai territory, so we'll see). It was my grandmother's and she only drove it to church and the grocery store. The paint was shot, but look at any car from the 1980s and see how they have held up. I replaced the brakes twice. I wish I still had it with gas prices they way they were.

General Comments:

Not as pretty as a Dusenburg, nor as fast as a Cuda, it would probably outlast either one of these millions of miles over with minimal maintenance and low cost. Wish these engineers designed some of my other cars!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 14th August, 2006

15th Aug 2006, 12:26

The 2.2 4-cylinder was absolutely indestructible (although I did have some problems with the fuel system on my '87 Plymouth Horizon hatchback). Plus, it was really easy to work on. I miss it.