15th Jun 2021, 17:10

Amazing how much energy you guys are spending trying to prove me wrong, of which so far you have failed to do. Sorry, but ball joints are in fact... normal wear items. And like I said - you guys put 25 years and 300k on a car, get back to me. Because I can guarantee none of you will have nearly the same results I had, which has been minimal repairs.

15th Jun 2021, 17:24

A sentimental do it yourself person cannot compare to an average person that is not willing to spend half their day under a vehicle. And most drop vehicles off and it costs far more to repair paying others. I don’t feel like working in cramped, hot confined quarters anymore.

15th Jun 2021, 21:54

The Vibe = Toyota Matrix = Toyota Voltz in Japan. If the engine it uses (1.8L from Toyota) is prone to sludge, then the Vibe would be prone to it too.