19th Dec 2021, 21:13

On a second-hand car already well-depreciated? Is there anything really to LOL about? No. It is what it is. If it's feasible to keep, do it. If it's getting too much, sell it - just like any car.

20th Dec 2021, 15:55

All you focus is on the dollar sign throughout these posts. It’s not others having any issue, it’s you. Some may buy one car or some several; it’s their choice. They pick out to enjoy.

An analogy is buying a home because of being in a nicer school district, thus paying more. The same style and size of home is far cheaper elsewhere, but having a very high crime rate area. There is something for everyone. People are adults capable of their own life decisions. I do not think a vast majority are losing 50k in a year. Especially not at this moment. Shortage of new vehicles and chip shortages. It must be very hard weighing every expenditure in terms of $ drain, small or large. A lot of very wise and savvy individuals are well into retirement. Do not stop living or are in severe financial straits. Something in your lifetime or youth has perhaps created tremendous fear of parting with any dollars. I’ve yet to read anyone on here citing they went downhill quickly over picking up a car. And can always sell if it’s a worry. Often you get far more buying a nice convertible to drive, better ride space comfort. Or another nice coupe, sedan etc. Something not with extremely high mileage. And worry is it going to fail on a long trip. A real bummer. With online banking and investing it’s simple to see 6 months out, or even a couple of years to see if you are sinking. Adjust and keep living. Take trips, upgrade your home, then catch up again rapidly. Never impoverished.