1999 Dodge Intrepid


Hearing more of the same with the Dodge Intrepids (1999), to be specific. A/C broke, Engine replaced, Window issues, and now the car completely stalls while doing a good speed on the highway! Does this happen to anyone else? Already spent big bucks fixing the other stuff and now diagnosing this issue (as well as the A/C thing). Thought this stalling thing was a Powerbrake Diaphragm, but had that fixed and still stalls. VERY DANGEROUS!! Especially doing anywhere from 50-70 or 80 miles on a highway at rush hour and the car shuts down on you! This will be the first and LAST dodge!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 1st September, 2005

1st Sep 2005, 17:18

Yes I also own a 2001 and had A/C problems. The evaporator core went out and had to spend about $900 with labor and all to get a replacement. My next car will be q foreign--guaranteed.

14th Sep 2005, 08:02

I have myself a 1999 Intrepid with 120k miles on it, and same problem started to occur when on hwy.

Service engine light starts to flashing, and engine dies. If I wait 30-40 minutes I can restart the engine like nothing happend. Still no answer for this problem.

17th Jan 2006, 08:27

Sounds like your cam sensor, that happened to me to, same exact thing I think it was like 175 dollars, good luck.

1999 Dodge Intrepid


Not worth the headache


The check engine lights keeps coming back on when I drive on the highway.

The oil burns quickly.

Recently something popped under the hood of the car, and there was liquid under the hood while it was parked, but running.

Tried to bring it home the same day on the highway and then completely stopped on the road.

General Comments:

This car has great room for the whole family. Feels like you are sitting on your couch and driving.

Trunk space is great, but overall this is NOT a reliable car. I'm worried now each time I drive it that something will go wrong again. Not worth the headache that comes along with this spacious, yet unreliable car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 23rd August, 2005

1999 Dodge Intrepid LX 2.7


This car is junk


I have been reading all the comments about the intrepid. I purchased my 1999 intrepid in 2001,with 54,000 miles on the engine. To date I have replaced both fans for cooling, the air conditioner, driver window tracks and repaired all valves from a timing chain breaking. My interior lights flash on and off for no reason. My oil light comes on after I have gotten an oil change. I replaced the air conditioner for a mere 1500.00, the window tracks for 326.00, the valves and new timing chain 3600.00, now my car does not run at all. I cannot find a way to replace the battery. I cannot see why any manufacturer would put a battery under all the junk in the dodge intrepid. After reading all the comments I feel we should join together and find someone to help us get some of our monies back from all the repair bills.

General Comments:

As far as ride this car is great, but the repairs suck.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 15th August, 2005

25th Aug 2005, 15:15

I agree with your comment, we should all get together and do something about this. My husband finally has taken the car to the mechanic it works now, but let's see for how long...

1999 Dodge Intrepid


Save your money, do not purchase this car!


My transmission sensors went out at 60,000 miles. It cost 500.00 to replace.

Another problem with the transmission at 80,000 miles. Continuously cuts out when reversing and accelerating.

Car burns oil excessively. Oil must be changed at 3000 miles, and normally oil must be added every 1000 miles.

Driver side window is no longer aligned, mechanic says a piece that keeps it on track broke off. This happened at 60,000 miles.

Both back seat windows motors went out at 85,000 miles.

The blower for the air conditioner and heater went out. Only works on high. This occurred around 85,000 miles.

I have had to replace the braking system in both front and back at around 60,000 miles.

The newest problem of this car is blue smoke coming from the exhaust pipe. The smoke gets worse every day. This problem occurred at 90,000 miles.

General Comments:

Although this car is nice looking and very spacious the cost of maintaining it is not worth it. I am very disappointed with the 99 intrepid model and will not be purchasing a Dodge ever again.

It seems that every time I get my car back from the shop, something else breaks the following week.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 27th July, 2005

27th Aug 2005, 17:07

Dude I fell really sorry for you I wish dodge didn't scam people with their crap 2.7 sludge machine.