1988 Honda Accord L.X. 2.0 liter


Good beginners car, yet very temperamental.


Leaking head gasket 120,000.

Distributor gasket destroyed, required new at 132,000 miles.

Brakes (front and back) shot at 125,000 miles.

Exhaust blew out 122,000 miles.

Timing belt 130,000 miles.

Distributor blew (mechanic's exact words) 139,000.

General Comments:

When I was first looking for my first car my uncle had pointed out that his parents had a couple cars. One of which being a 1988 Honda Accord and that if I expressed some interest that they might sell it to me. My mother immediately thought this was best, for in her words "It is a one owner, we know who owned it, what happened to it, and what has been done to it." Without my consent my mother had told me it was this car, or no car. Reluctantly I agreed, I was never one for a four cylinder. The car had received a lot of high praise, "It's a Honda they run forever," "I drive a Honda, I have 280,000 miles and the only reason I don't drive it is because it needs a new clutch!" Well for a car that is supposed to be so dependable and reliable, I do not agree, I have had all these problems that the previous owners never said to have any notice to, in only a three year ownership. For a first car and a beginning driver, I can understand purchasing a car such as this. However for being considered one of the most reliable cars, I find this to be a poor purchase. Maybe I just have bad luck with cars, either way, I will never buy another Honda.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? No

Review Date: 19th February, 2003

16th Nov 2003, 01:47

Good luck finding any other car with 100,000+ miles still on it's original distributor, head gasket, brakes, and exhaust.

I suggest a Yugo for your discriminating tastes.

21st Oct 2006, 18:41

I have a 1988 Honda Accord and it has over 220k miles on it and you would never guess. Not only that is this is my second accord, the previous one being an 89. I would have to assume that you got a car that was not taken care of. All of the work you had to do to that accord, I havn't had to touch with the exception of the distributor. Personally, I don't see what you are finding wrong with it really, if you beat them too hard, they will like any other car, die. I will always be a Honda owner and if you won't buy another, that leaves plenty of Hondas for the rest of us to get. While you are drivng a POS and broke down on the side of the road, the Hondas will be passing you by. Good luck man, Hondas are the only car I have ever seen that had over 400k original miles on it and still running strong. Oh yeah that was on a 1987 Honda Accord LX. So keep that in mind before you go and judge one car maker on the basis of one car. I had 6 Nissans (79-86) and that was enough for me, Hondas are the only car for me. Good luck finding a car as reliable.

9th Jan 2008, 09:49

I have a 1988 honda accord, and it's got 198K miles on it. And it's still running like the day I got it. Sure I've had to get some work done here and there, but that's cars. It's called maintenance. If you treat your cat like a POS it's going to run like a POS. My honda is one of the best cars I've ever owned. Good luck finding anything better.

27th Jun 2008, 20:44

I have had several Hondas after going the GM route for many years, and being stranded many times, and my first Honda was a 1984 Accord that got almost 50 miles to the gallon, and served me well for 4 years, which I then sold for the same price I paid for it 4 years earlier. I'm sorry to hear about the problems you have had, but all cars require service work when the miles get up. Fortunately Hondas are cheap to repair, and breakdown far less often than most other cars. Don't let a few service issues scare you away from the best deal on 4 wheels.

1988 Honda Accord LXi 4 Cylnder


Excellent car


Leak in the truck and in the sunroof. The driver side front power window motor is sluggish sometimes. The driver side headlight is dimmer than the other one even though they were replaced on the same day. Could use new tires, but it's no hurry. The lock on the glove box is broken and falls on the floor if you open the glove box.

General Comments:

The manual transmission of this model car is really zippy and handles well. The car has a lot of room and is very sporty. It is an great first car even after 14 years. The car also has a pretty good stero system when used with a CD player.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 30th November, 2002