10th Jun 2014, 04:19

Comment dated 25 March 2012.

Dear Sir,

I will move from the review of the actual vehicle and address your views on the socio-economic categorisation you have made based on the type of vehicle one chooses. Your comments are downright insulting and have no place in a car survey forum. It would seem that you place yourself above the ordinary Australian in our so called "classless" society. Driving a vehicle with any other name or badge does not make you a better person. Think on that point and be ashamed of yourself.

12th Jun 2014, 14:07

I am going to address a mistake I made in regards to the price of the Epica diesel; it was at a certain points of time, more expensive than the base Omega.

Still on the second hand market, the Epica is great value.

22nd Apr 2016, 11:42

i have an Epica CDX, 190000 km on the clock, had it for 6 years. Very pleased, I like the car. It was maintained over this period of time, and how can someone expect to drive a car without spending money on it?

27th May 2017, 06:00

I have a 2010 Epica CDX turbo diesel (owned from new & delighted with it) & a few years ago, while interstate, rented an identical model from a discount rental company. It was horrible! Compared to my car it was like driving an out-of-tune tractor on flat tyres. That experience highlighted to me that's it's not the car itself, but how it's been treated & serviced! It's like identical twins separated at birth - one half-starved with an abusive upbringing, the other loved & properly fed & educated. How different they would be after a few years.

7th Apr 2019, 05:46

Hi, I have a Holden Epica 2.5 petrol 5 speed auto 2007. It's a good car, no rattles, changes good in the auto, a bit gutless, but you get used to how it performs. It's quite roomy and the stereo gives a great punch, the air conditioning needs gas and the idle is poor, but this doesn't affect the car much. I only bought it for 500 bucks, a complete running car, so it's a bargain to get such a late model for such a low price.

I'm happy with it. I will get lots of motoring out of it, and I just need to change the oil and filter, and the spark plugs. The air filter is OK and it has no fuel filter (it's in the tank with the pump), so for 500 bucks I got myself a bargain. I can get around town and even go on long trips; I bought it from the Blue Mountains and drove it back to Sydney on a quarter tank (which the previous owner left in the car) without a hitch.