1st Feb 2007, 08:23

<<You can buy Mobil 1 or Castrol Syntech at (HORROR of HORRORS!!) WAL-MART, and you can order any BMW oil filter thru AutoZone.>.

So what? That's not the argument. The argument these poster put forward is that you can use ANY oil and ANY filter in ANY car.

I never disputed that you can't buy these things at Wal-Mart or AutoZone or Kragen. I DID dispute that you can use unknown brands and generic products in luxury cars. You cannot, for it will kill your car.

1st Feb 2007, 08:27

More disinformation. BMW mechanics have to take training classes and achieve certification. Jiffy Lube mechanics do NOT. They also are accustomed to certain types of vehicles with certain types of filter (mainly the most common - Hondas, etc.). It's simply fast food for cars, with the same results.

And when I first came to California I went to a Jiffy Lube with friends. A few months later I sold my car only to find out the idiot at Jiffy Lube had SUBSTITUTED another oil plug and my car had a slow oil leak the whole time. Luckily that was just with a basic Honda Civic.