27th Mar 2007, 08:56

<<Look, every modern car company in the world is building cars the way Ford invented the manufacturing process.>>

No, every modern car company is building cars the way the JAPANESE build cars, using the techniques of American Dr. Deming, techniques REJECTED by Ford, GM, and other American manufacturers.

The assembly lines of today bear little resemblance to the early days of Ford.

27th Mar 2007, 09:04

<<I have owned a model from almost every maker and with the exception of a very early Datsun, they are really all the same.>.

Your validity as a poster went out the door with this comment.

Whether you're pro-domestic or pro-import, ALL will agree that not all cars are the same.

I have owned Chevys, Fords, BMWs, Mercedes, Toyotas, Hondas, Daewoos, Kias, Hyundais, Subarus and EACH car was distinct from the others, even within the same class.