7th Dec 2012, 11:45

I think a couple written appraisals would suffice in its present condition. And a relative buying it back. I have friends that bought her mother's 64 Corvette 1 owner that way. And they drive it today. You have to wait a while to see if bills or claims are coming in before buying. If nothing else, you could have bid on the car at auction as well. I inherited a 1988 Town Car myself; it was non contested as no one wanted it anyway.

7th Dec 2012, 13:51

Wow, should have kept it - would have gotten $6,600 worth of use out of it easy. But maybe sometimes it isn't so easy for a relative to buy a car out of an estate, because the other siblings might be suspicious of underpayment.

10th Dec 2012, 00:28

"She had wrecked it 6 times."

At least nobody got hurt.