18th May 2015, 20:07

Well that was a 2004 comment, didn't even have mileage information on the original review of a car bought at 3 years old and owned for two years. I guess if the owner was genuinely happy with the car for whatever reason - seat comfort, suspension, whatever, then that's how they feel, regardless of whatever car they've had since. Reliability isn't the only measure of satisfaction, though it certainly does help. The car was in AU/NZ - not America, and one of the previous commenters said something about owning a R16 in America, but we all know that all cars during that era had to get smog control equipment, which made cars far more unreliable.

18th May 2015, 21:54

Try reading the review and comment again, and this time, pay attention to the dates and when they were written.

Neither one is referring to a "30+ years old" vehicle.

The reviewer's car was purchased at three years old.

What is "irrational" about it?