11th Jan 2017, 21:34

I never cared for late-Sixties styling trends on most cars, personally. The NUMMI Nova was not much of a looker, either, but it didn't seem to be trying at that. At least the later car was dead-nuts reliable. To be fair, I admit this might be comparing apples to oranges -- a badge-swapped Corolla and a '69 SS appeal to vastly different audiences. This is especially true now that no one needs to rely on a 50-year-old car as daily driver. I would not want either as a hobby car, but a Corollova would still make a fine winter beater.

11th Jan 2017, 23:01

Hands down, any of those Novas from 1962-1979 were better than this pseudo-Corolla that was sold later as an unworthy successor.