12th Jun 2018, 17:52

The observations were a result of looking out, not staring at a cell phone with my head down or looking and pulling at a rope with 1 hand left to steer, use signals etc. Why not simply agree that these actions are obviously unsafe. That’s called deflection when you realize all this but won’t agree. Getting a ticket in time may make this clearer than seeing it emphasized here. Best of luck!

12th Jun 2018, 21:26

12:35. I put it to you? Is it safe using wipers with a rope? Is it safe to drive a motor vehicle and text? Yes or no? Lastly, with both questions in mind, does it matter who said either? If presented to an individual or a group, what would the typical response be? Why not use 2 cell phones and text and answer calls in case someone is trying to get through. I just hope I am not anywhere near you when doing so.