11th Feb 2021, 23:07


First: it took less than 30 seconds on a YouTube search to find that video. Not hours.

Second: If that Jeep was in what you called distress, how does it not prove anything? This was a reply to the previous comment (yours perhaps?) that a Jeep wouldn't need to be towed at all. If the video to you doesn't prove it, then I don't know what does. Also I'm sure it's not the only Jeep to be in "distress" as not everyone in the situation would film it.

Third: I don't need the best of luck to think a RAV-4 or Subaru pick-up can go anywhere a Jeep can't seeing how I'm not the one who posted the comment in the first place.

The Jeep by far would out perform both. I myself wouldn't take any of them off roading including a Jeep.

I would take (my preference and opinion of course) an old school full-size Blazer or full-size Bronco. They can do the same as and are more reliable than a Jeep old and especially new now that the straight six is gone.

Anyhow this is getting tiresome and should have never been on topic this long. All because somebody recommended a "fantastic" Jeep Rubicon to the reviewer who obviously is not in the least interested in replacing their Volt with one.

I actually can't wait to see what off topic discussion is going to come about the next time the author posts an update on his Volt. Let's wait and see and in the meantime let this one go.

12th Feb 2021, 20:45

The vehicle is being towed out of the muddy ditch. It may not be tow truck assistance, but is still being towed. How does it not prove anything?