8th Aug 2022, 19:06

Don't think anyone is trying to prove a point but rather just an observation - a lot of people simply just don't talk about cars as fondly anymore. Back in the day myself and many others enjoyed their car and got good value for money from them.

Nowadays it seems to me all you hear is complaints about how much it costs to fix, why are they so complex, what is government/manufacturers doing to ruin cars next with stupid rules and electric gimmicks no one asked for, etc etc etc.

P.S I am not saying older is always better (I like old and new cars) plus let's not let this be one of those comments sections that go on forever with this old vs new debate that ends up getting the thread locked ;)

10th Aug 2022, 19:07

I think the biggest point here is the cost of motoring in general has went up massively in recent years, even before the pandemic and cost of living crisis. Worldwide, not just in the UK. But this I feel is a topic too large to discuss on this car review site.