1989 Toyota Camry 4 door 2.0


Reliable but expensive (relative to the US car)


Window strip: generates noise.

I had my thermostat went bad on 120,000 miles.

General Comments:

Very reliable, only replaced the tires two times, and the muffler two times.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 24th May, 2001

1989 Toyota Camry 2.0


If you want 4WD teamed with economy and low frequency of repair, you get it?


Rusty rear fender wells.

General Comments:

The most reasonable 4WD for upkeep.

Gets you home in mountainous Canadian winters without 'chains.'

Runs (almost) forever with just regular maintenance!

Don't tell anyone else about this little gem.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 17th March, 2001

1989 Toyota Camry LE 2.5L V6


The best car of all time!


Power steering hose broke once.

CV joint broke while driving.

Had to replace one distributor wire recently and 6 spark plugs.

Besides these, only regular maintenance done.

General Comments:

Once of the best cars around, very reliable and comfortable.

Excellent power even after 11 years on the road and 142,000 miles!

Very smooth ride!!

Camrys forever!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 14th December, 2000

10th Mar 2001, 01:48

Have a 1989 Camry V6 LE. Runs quiet and quick.

I would drive across country without a worry.

17th Mar 2001, 23:22

These suckers just won't quit!

1989 Toyota Camry V6LE V6


The car was absolutely fine before my brother began driving it. Ever since my brother set his hands behind the wheel, everything just went wrong. There were oil leaks and the engine stalls. Finally, the car broke down while my brother was driving it in the middle freeway and it died there. The car would have lasted forever if it wasn't for my brother.

General Comments:

It's a great car as long as you keep it away from stupid and aggressive drivers.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 16th August, 1999

1989 Toyota Camry LE


I got the car when it was seven years old, and now it's ten. In the 3 years I've had it, I've only had to replace the muffler and get the brakes done. In the last few months it's lost some power. It kicks a little when it changes gear. But considering these are the only problems it has at its age, I'm quite satisfied.

General Comments:

The most reliable car you can get, no doubt. This one won't leave you stranded.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 31st January, 1999

24th Aug 2001, 11:02

The most reliable car you can get? I beg to differ. My '88 Camry was such a lemon, with numerous oil leak problems (over $1,000 spent), brake problems, starting problems, and very poor build quality! The car died on me at a busy intersection during rush hour. Had to get a cop to help me push the car out of the road. How dependable is that?

1989 Toyota Camry


Spark plug wires at 90,000 miles, brakes at 110,000 miles, that's it!

General Comments:

Great car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 18th October, 1998