1990 Bentley Turbo R 6.75 from North America


Buckingham Palace on wheels


A/C compressor was replaced.

Bonnet hinge pin broke.

Thermostat had to be replaced.

Brake accumulator spheres had to be replaced.

General Comments:

Love this car and it is my daily driver. Yes, it is my primary mode of transport. Driving it on a regular basis reduces the operating cost. I have averaged 1800.00 per year on repairs. Some years it’s just oil changes and then occasionally something such as the air conditioning or brakes will need attention. I have a great independent RR/Bentley trained old school mechanic. I have owned several British cars, RR, Jaguar and Range Rover but this is by far my favorite. It is stout, well built, and extremely comfortable. A colleague recently rode to a meeting with me and he marveled at the quality of everything in the car. I am amazed that I drive a 30+ year old car and I have no interest in a newer car. The Turbo R was the pinnacle of Bentley Motors.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 21st March, 2023

1990 Bentley Turbo R RL 6.75 V8 from Hong Kong




Nothing... it is perfect.

General Comments:

Buying a 1990 Bentley Turbo RL with a mere 30,000k on the clock was the best move I have ever made. The car has one previous owner who used it only rarely. Part of a stable of 7 cars for the previous owner who maintained the Bentley superbly. It was like a brand new car.

Nothing beats its presence and nothing beats that rumbling growling engine... it is a car to love forever...

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 16th March, 2009

1990 Bentley Turbo R 6.8 turbo from UK and Ireland


The Turbo R is a high performance living room


The rear on side shock absorber leaks.

The cruise has failed.

The steering rack leaks.

The windscreen rubber perished and caused a complete replacement.

The engine pinks at high speed. It dislikes LRP. (It hates unleaded).

General Comments:

Who cares.

I just love everything else about the car. It cost so little to buy, is very cheap to insure and if you keep out of a Bentley dealer's clutches and find a truly competent, local mechanic it will still hold its purchase value so well that even with all the problems I have had, it could well work out cheaper to run (15,000 miles per annum) over three years than a new Citroen Picasso. As a bonus, the walnut burr picnic trays in the back seats are better made than the lightweight, plastic, gallic alternative.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 7th May, 2003

10th May 2005, 04:14

I agree, after having purchased a 1990 Bentley Turbo RL, I find the car to be wonderful. Large and powerful, yet more comfortable than most can imagine. People must remember this (and these cars), are getting some age up, but if the car is properly maintained, it should last forever. Be mindful to use only the proper Castrol HSMO oil for the car and Hide food for the leather and there should be few problems in these areas.

After owning BMWs and Mercs for years I can say that the Bentley is a completely different beast, much more relaxing to drive, yet very powerful as well, though some may miss the mod cons that the Euros offer. For my humble opinion it really is a great car to have the privilege to drive and own.

29th Apr 2017, 22:18

Having recently just purchased a 85 Bentley Turbo, I have to agree it is a feeling like no other to drive... And the looks and smiles of lesser mortals in family cars LOL...

16th Dec 2022, 09:43

I cannot comment on the later model Bentleys. In fact only one Bentley.

As a 20 year old Senior Aircraftsman with RAF, I hitch hiked a ride on the Doncaster bypass in 1960. A Bentley Continental convertible stopped (believe it or not). The gentleman at the wheel was from the Admiralty. He told me to put on the safety belt (what's that?) because we will be going fast. He wasn't kidding. Yet for all the speed it was as if I watched it on TV. Passing all the Ford Zodiacs parked on the motorway. A slight whistle in the hood caused him to complain... the mind boggles.

11th Jun 2024, 15:26

So super unleaded all the way then? Expensive, but if you can afford one of these it is not an issue...