29th Dec 2010, 13:56

Read your Zero interest a bit more. If you even have the tier to qualify; most do not. Plus you typically need 3k down on 20k. Where did the 10 year number come from to save? Or are you going for a 40k vehicle? The dealer ads I see also say for select vehicles; maybe not the one that won't sell normally off the lot. Great if you like it and its color etc, and like paying full list . It seems it's unfathomable to save the same monthly payment on your own over 5 years. Many cannot use restraint to save. But they can pay someone else, usually with a high list price or some interest added. Don't dare miss some payments and face repo as an option. But it's a forced way to keep on track.

The other issue on going totally to small frame trucks is unlikely as well. I tow a large boat, car trailer, and others tow campers etc, and the little frame trucks with any engine just won't pull or stop safely. Even with trailer brakes. There are so many applications for full size trucks, not just the empty commuter or pulling a pop up.

29th Dec 2010, 16:30

If you hang onto the beater and it's just a boring car, rent a new car once in a while. Instead of buying new, save your money until you can own a new one outright. I just rented on a weekend special a new Impala, and drove it on Enterprises weekend special. I drove 1100 miles, visited family and returned it. To rent it on the weekend is 22 bucks a day. What a deal. I don't do it often, but it's cool to try new cars this way. I remember my favorite, and may buy it new when I can pay cash, not another debt. It's a cool treat once in a while. I downsized home wise also, and paid cash with the gain on my last bigger, not necessary better mortgaged one. Save your money if you don't have the money to own, why borrow? You may need it for your utilities etc that are absurd. Especially in the cold Northeast!

29th Dec 2010, 18:04

"The number one selling vehicle in America for over 20 years has been full size trucks."

This is and has always been because they are used for work vehicles in a huge variety of businesses, from construction to U-haul to delivery, etc., etc. It has little to do with what consumers buy as personal vehicles.

30th Dec 2010, 11:29

These days there are just as many options for boats and campers as there are for trucks and cars. For example, my parents have always owned some sort of camper. My Dad has owned a 4Runner, a Ford F250, and now a Tundra. The 4Runner was actually able to haul a 25 foot camper no problem. The F250 would have course haul more and at the time they owned a 35 foot bigwheel camper. They used the Tundra to haul that camper as well. But now they own an all-fiberglass camper that weighs very little, and can easily be pulled by something like a Tacoma or Ranger no problem.

I've never owned a full size truck, and over the past 15 years, have only really needed one on perhaps 2 or 3 occasions, but even then managed with my small Tacoma. Then again, I don't really see the reason for buying a $50,000 40 foot long camper either, thus my needs are different. But there are options for people like me that do make a happy median.

30th Dec 2010, 13:23

"Read your Zero interest a bit more. If you even have the tier to qualify; most do not."

Well I am a tier 1, so that is never an issue for me. Also, I deal separately on the vehicle and the financing, so I NEVER pay list or even close to that, even if I am getting the 0% financing deal. You have to know how to negotiate!

Also, most dealers can find whatever you want. I live near NYC, so there are tons of cars in every model and color with specific option packages, etc., etc. If one dealer tells you that you have to take what they have, then simply go to another dealer. I usually get a good chunk off of the car, get the 0% financing, and save a ton on the back end of the deal by paying no extra money for the use of their money. I save my cash for other positive equity investments, and then make out at the end of the five year loan.

30th Dec 2010, 13:34

You may not need a full size, but they are great. Lots of people renovate their homes, move furniture, update homes, load beds and tow. My truck has saved me a ton of money, and I also enjoy recreational as well.

And yes, contractors, businesses and agriculture has applications. I do tow and have experience first hand. I go much under tow ratings tongue weights for many reasons. First is safety. There's dynamic forces at work. Extra weight of people's gear in the trailer as well. You have visibility, weather issues, steep inclines, descents, cooling, braking concerns on and on. Your life and others are a primary concern. I stop and start in hot summer weekends, so I have a full grasp, not one that has zero knowledge. I have seen small trucks at boat ramps tearing their trans rear and motors up trying to get up and off. I can't see the truck lasting. Maybe drop off the kayak, but not us.

Full size trucks keep getting better MPG, and I feel a hatchback car works just as well as a small truck. I had both, and do not miss tiny trucks.

31st Dec 2010, 07:11

Fiberglass is heavy. Aluminum half the weight. I once owned a 17 center console that my light truck could pull, but not my same size fiberglass. Wider beam as well. Now I'm pulling a 25' twin axle and no way.

2nd Jun 2013, 02:08

I own a 2006 Canyon that has handled off road situations easily with a good set of tires and driver ability.

It also has 145,000 miles, uses no oil and gets 20-25 MPG. So why is your rusted frame Toyota superior?

2nd Jun 2013, 11:48

My full size truck has also saved me a ton of money from doing all my own remodeling vs calling someone. I don't tow a camper. But it's likely I have saved enough money to buy a new 50k one by owning a full size. Most of my furniture came home on my truck; much of it from people moving or downsizing. You never know when a great opportunity may arise. When you have the full size, you seek out more openly for bargains. I had a small truck, and it was mainly used to take my Lab to the lake. I didn't seek or realize there were more opportunities besides that. Or carrying dirty items or a gas can for mowing the lawn.

2nd Jun 2013, 20:04

The Tacoma was once a good little truck before Toyota quality went to Hell.

3rd Jun 2013, 01:11

I can tell you straight away that the exhaust rotted due to numerous short trips, which never gave the car a chance to get to operating temperature. Just look at the small amount of miles over such a long time.