10th Jan 2021, 14:45

True, and it looks set to get worse - the new 2020 onward's Golf is advertised as "all digital" meaning it has a hundred electronic features you won't use or care about (self parking, electronic handbrake, WiFi connectivity, etc) basically modern cars are smart phones on wheels. Maybe I am getting old, but modern cars just do not appeal when they advertise with features like that. I'm sure the more modern Golf's are reliable and economical though as they generally always were, if a little expensive to repair.

18th Jan 2021, 17:07

The new 'digital' Golf is terrible because any single cabin control is really hard to use with complex touch screen menus or 'swipe' steering buttons. Voice command doesn't work well as shown on Youtube videos and is useless when listening to the radio or with the windows down.

As for the interior, it's sad to see that for cost cutting reasons all these cars get depressive all black interiors, not even optional some lighter colors. By the way, ask young kids which cars they like: they will invariable point to light color cars with light colored interiors. Proof that car designers live in their own disconnected bubble.

19th Jan 2021, 18:33

Now we are to take into account the opinions of "young kids" when designing cars? God help us all.

13th Feb 2021, 21:18

The old guard needs to retire already, and let all those "young kids" have a chance at making something of themselves in life.


For the record, I am 31 years old and I for one hate how modern cars are becoming "computers on wheels."

14th Feb 2021, 18:29

The “chances” are out there you just need to stand on your own feet, not someone else’s.

14th Feb 2021, 22:21

“Let the old guard retire“ You should earn your place in life and not get there because you think you deserve it; put an effort in and you may!

15th Feb 2021, 17:22

Great idea. We should let "young kids" design future cars.

So now, coming soon to a showroom near you... the "Homer".

2nd Mar 2021, 08:17

The one thing I do not like, almost hate, on recent cars (digital Golf among them) is the air vents being placed low. I never vent onto myself; I direct the side ones to the side windows and the center one(s) up high, and if the right front seat is not occupied, to the right. Then there's no purpose for me of the vents being low in the dash. Vents should be on top and everything else down under, including the screen(s).

3rd Mar 2021, 00:18

I could list forever the things in modern cars that annoy me, but here is the most common ones I see;

Electronic handbrake button (we were doing fine with a lever).

Fiddly climate control / radio merged into a smart phone style screen (analog controls are better).

Blind spots due to thick pillars (I know it's for safety strength in a crash, but maybe if all round vision was better you might have avoided a crash in the first place.)

Etc, etc.

4th Mar 2021, 01:54

Man, you're right.

Why do so many of the new cars have that Etc, etc?

4th Mar 2021, 13:22

I am completely with you, especially on the first two one.

Brake failures are very rare nowadays, like punctures. I had a case where all brake fluid drained out (however I caught up with the situation while the brakes were still effective) and completed my day and drive to shop the next day just using the handbrake. You can't do that with an electronic parking brake. Specially if you are in the middle of absolute nowhere.

4th Mar 2021, 21:52

Using the handbrake in place of the regular brake is a little extreme, but my biggest gripe about not having a handbrake is not being able to do a handbrake turn, and replacing the cables when they got old and stretched was cheap and easy. Those electronic motors on those modern ones however... Just seems like an expensive fix to a problem that never existed. Scotty Kilmer on YouTube did a video about them; he hates them as well.

5th Mar 2021, 22:46

Using the handbrake wouldn’t seem very extreme if your brakes failed, you’re going downhill in the mountains, and you thought it was funny to get a car without a handbrake!

6th Mar 2021, 22:08

If you're traveling in the mountains, a Jeep would be a logical vehicle.

7th Mar 2021, 15:02

A Jeep is logical for anywhere. Speaking specifically on paved steep grades, I’d prefer a vehicle with a handbrake, which Jeeps have. If you want to prove something by being contrarian, that’s your choice.