8th Apr 2011, 15:23

It's good to hear good things about a Isuzu Rodeo SUV... My neighbor had one and tortured everyday he had it (about 3 years) until he traded it in... the vehicle went everywhere non stop...

Before he traded it in, he changed the oil and told me he didn't have any oil registering on the dipstick... I feel sorry for the person who ended up with that car...

7th Jun 2011, 09:36

I have a 2001 Rodeo Sport LS with 214,000 miles on it.

I have had to do some brake work, timing belt, etc. All of these issues are due to use as wearable parts. I have a fuel sending unit out for 2 years now. Quite simply I figured my gas mileage, use my tripometer and reset it every time I fill up, thus I know exactly how many miles I have left in my tank.

I just now have a transmission issue which I am getting serviced. My ABS light has been on constantly and I need to replace the sensor. O2 sensors replaced, etc, etc. What does anyone expect of any vehicle that takes this kind of wear? Yes it does burn about a qt of oil every 1,000 to 1,500 miles... But so do I at my age... Ha!

I like my Rodeo. I am getting to the point at which it may not be smart to put any big money into the vehicle, but hey, it beats a $300 to $500 car payment! I confess this is no longer my primary vehicle and I use mainly, as it was made to be used, as a Sport Utility Vehicle, to tow my bass boat or go camping.

14th Nov 2011, 23:09

You are about the only 2002 Rodeo owner I know of who has not had MAJOR problems. I am constantly having problems, the car going in the shop and something that needs fixed (which they can never seem to quite diagnose). Plus, you can never find parts for it anymore. So disappointed in this car. Piece of Junk!