29th Aug 2012, 14:42

I have a 52 plate 1.4 diesel 207. A while ago the Stop warning light kept coming on intermittently. Eventually I realised this was associated with the temp gauge wandering up and down. A replacement sensor fixed this.

For many years on cold mornings, the airbag light would come on when starting the engine, and then stay on. The car would start OK, but turning it off and then re-starting would make the light go out. The battery died at 7 years old, and I replaced it with the biggest that would fit. The airbag light has not appeared since then. So I concluded that the airbag sensing circuit does not like a lowish battery voltage, caused by starting the engine, even though the engine starts satisfactorily.

5th Jan 2013, 18:34

It is nice (LOL) to see that other people have had similar problems to myself. It's been a total financial drain and emotional drain... The gremlins in the electrics drive me crazy. So how do you get rid of a lemon of a car???