23rd Feb 2013, 18:30

Yes, but if you have a large family, a small econobox will not help you very much. Plus, it's not the market that's phasing out the larger vehicles, it's the government applying economic coercion to the market to effectively force them to buy what they want. That's not how a democracy should work.

Ron Paul had the right idea. He believed that environmentalism was good, but the government shouldn't be going around forcing people to do what they want. The free market would do the job instead by itself.

Oh and yeah, our generation isn't going to accomplish much. In case you haven't been noticing, but the US is kind of declining and China will surpass us completely by 2025. The US doesn't do much except invade other countries nowadays anyway. Us younger people aren't going to bring much to the table either, they're anti-social, consumed with texting and long secluded periods behind computers on social networking sites, and have problems with authority.

So you keep on being liberal, because it is what's killing this country. But to only blame the liberals is unfair; the conservatives have done their part too. Both parties only look out for the top I guess, they just use different catch phrases.

25th Feb 2013, 09:29

What in the hell does being a liberal have to do with the kind of car you drive? Suddenly there's rules on how liberals and conservatives should live their lives? And they say religion can be taken too far...