30th Mar 2015, 18:07

It would be nice to point out a specific review that says a Corolla owner should buy a Corvette. It's the same as reading through all these comments where not one single commenter said a new Lincoln was a middle class purchase. It's always been an expensive new vehicle. In theory just about anyone can make a car payment on luxury vehicles for even a short period. I agree that it's not about Corvettes only. It's very likely that a new Lincoln owner likely owns another new nice vehicle, sports car or otherwise. I personally know quite a few that do in the demographic and age bracket. As a used car buy, you can pick these up easily for the same price as a used Corolla. Enough said.

30th Mar 2015, 21:10

The Corvette comment shows up on a lot of different reviews. Usually by the same individual.

31st Mar 2015, 15:09

There have been so many "Corvette" comments on various Toyota (and frankly a lot of other primarily foreign nameplate reviews) that I lost count. Either way, the comments have nothing to do with the cars in question. If someone really wanted to buy a Vette, they would do so. If someone buys a Corolla, Camry, Accord, Fusion, or Malibu, then they do so. End of story.

As far as the strange and unrelated assertions that those who own Lincolns "Probably own another nice car" or whatever has no bearing. Why would anyone make that assumption? I'm easily in the upper middle class myself, and could also afford several nice cars, but instead I drive a 20 year old beater truck and a 5 year old used Chevy Volt. I'd rather spend money on other things besides cars. My example alone means that previous assertion bears no fruit.

Moving on... The Lincoln brand is seemingly going global - more specifically, China. If you look at the just presented Continental concept, it's easy to see it's more heavily geared towards the Chinese market. Big cars are popular there, versus the US, where what used to be that market shifted to large SUVs and trucks.

As far as the Lincoln Navigator, that's simply a badge-engineered Ford Expedition. They aren't known for being the most reliable things and they are HUGE... as in good luck parking it unless you live in Suburbia.