1995 Chevrolet Beretta Z26 3.1L V6 from North America


The best used car I have ever bought


Besides regular maintenance, the only thing that was replaced was the intake manifold gasket.

General Comments:

Very quick and fun to drive.

It gets decent gas mileage. 23 to 30 MPG depending how I drive it.

The only thing I wish this car had is a manual transmission, however the automatic transmission is great still.

Bought this car for $500, needed the intake manifold gasket.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 19th June, 2015

1995 Chevrolet Beretta Base 3.1 from North America


One of the greatest


Replaced alternator, trans; the trans didn't go out til 350,000 miles; yes, 350,000 miles.

Thermostat and related items.

That's it! You take care of a car; it will last

Power steering pump and hose, steering worked, but bearings started to sound bad. Replaced it at about 320,000 miles.

Only real fault is the brakes are not the best.

General Comments:

And when you replace parts, they must be the best quality, and when you replace parts in a system, service the entire system, it's just that simple.

Love these cars, have owned several, currently own two, I will always own at least one.

They drive great and look great.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 5th January, 2011

19th Jun 2015, 15:30

Very impressive. Those were good cars. If you replaced the nylon intake manifold gaskets with something else, they seem to go forever.

Congratulations. Be fun to see her hit 400K.

1995 Chevrolet Beretta Z26 from North America


Engine blew.

Head gasket.


Transmission problems.

Brakes are horrible.

General Comments:

I know this car is older than the hills, but a warning to anyone who is buying this older model car; My stepdad bought this car new and treated it like his baby. I have not ragged this car out, and have taken great care of it.

The worst thing about my car is that the brakes work when they want to. It sounds like the Titanic splitting in two, and skips until it finally comes to a stop. I had this checked out at the dealership, and the brakes are in almost new condition.

Another thing is the motor. I was driving to get the oil change, when I got stuck in the middle of an intersection because the engine blew.

Also, this thing goes through alternators every year, along with belts.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 7th July, 2010

1995 Chevrolet Beretta Z26 3.1L V6 from North America


Most reliable and fuel efficient car I have ever owned


Had to replace U and ball joints around 90,000 miles.

Driver's side door leaks a little when it rains.

General Comments:

My car drives like new. I would put her up against any car.

I would recommend a Chevrolet Beretta to anyone.

Very good on gas. I travel a lot and love the ride.

Seats are very comfortable.

I drive my car like it is a truck, and have never had a major problem with it because I keep up on general maintenance. Ex. oil changes and tune ups. Once a year I get all of the fluids changed whether it needs it or not. This is very important.

The body has held up very well with the beating I have given.

I have owned my car for nine years, and plan on at least 10 more with her.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 23rd July, 2009

1995 Chevrolet Beretta 4 cylinder from North America


It's a damn good car for a kid to have


Only things that have gone wrong with the car are the brakes, and a little bit of leaking of water around the fire wall.

General Comments:

Well the car is not really fancy looking, but it gets the job done. It's been through hell and back multiple times, it gets up and goes pretty fast. It out runs most of the rice burners I've raced.

It has good top end, and has awesome handling, especially when using the e brake.

But really for only paying $200 for it, it's been a real good car for a kid like me.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Don't Know

Review Date: 4th May, 2009

9th Jun 2009, 11:11

The water leaking at the firewall is your heater core leaking. They have a drain to the firewall to keep coolant out of the passenger compartment.