10th Jun 2018, 19:22

Clever idea.

25th Sep 2020, 16:54

Perks of living in rural America. Our dealer let’s us take the vehicle for a weekend or even a week. If we don’t like it, then take another until we get the one we want. No renting.

26th Sep 2020, 17:08

Either your dealer is a complete idiot, or else when you DO buy a vehicle, you are paying full sticker price plus whatever other fees the dealer wants to add on...

27th Sep 2020, 00:38

In the end you buy and pay. American way.

27th Sep 2020, 18:43

Not really. More likely to sell a vehicle if someone had a chance to drive it for a weekend.

13th Feb 2021, 00:59

Who are these dealers in "rural America"? I really need free use of a new car for a week. Am I going to buy it? Hell no! If I had any money I wouldn't need the car for free! Geezoo!

15th Feb 2021, 19:36

Dealers are smart with loaner cars on new cars getting service.

16th Feb 2021, 18:39

All I pay for is gas. Either get a Macan or Cayenne. They will pay for Uber too both ways at my dealer; make all the arrangements if a new Porsche is not available. That way you may buy a Macan if you already have a new 911. Women love the Macan, so likely a sale.

29th Jan 2022, 18:20

Wow... all this and only 15,000 miles? Sheeesh... Toyota what's happening?

30th Jan 2022, 19:06

All what? A defective blower motor is not the end of the world. I think a better question is why Ford and GM have so many issues with their trucks that are one to three years old.

30th Jan 2022, 20:01

"All this"? The bearings went on the blower motor. Big deal.

31st Jan 2022, 21:21

Sure if you wanted air conditioning or heat in the winter. But that’s not important. It’s a Tacoma!

31st Jan 2022, 22:54

Oh boy, here we go. Toyota is the best and never ever has its share of issues.

1st Feb 2022, 14:28

19:06. You comment is called “deflection”. The Tacoma has 15,000 miles on it and the excuse is another brand. Rather than say it’s unacceptable to fail at such low mileage.

1st Feb 2022, 19:20

Most everyone thinks their car or truck is the best. However……. What’s your specific intention or application that makes all the difference. Our family has zero need for one. Therefore it's not the best. We all do not wear the same shoe. One size fits all. So we look through the thousands of cars and find “our best”. One thing I will say if I bought a new Tacoma it would have zero issues staying parked, never moving or ever used. The next owner would be shelling out on neglect but not any of us.

1st Feb 2022, 21:19

The review also states that the engine had a rough idle. Really not something ordinary with under 15k.

6th Feb 2022, 04:08

My uncle lived 2 blocks from a dealer. Bought every 1-2 years. Dealer, no idiot, got a new sale and trade in for 40 years.

7th Feb 2022, 19:24

Yeah good. Where is this dealer? I want to have free use of a car for a week cause I "might" buy it.

9th Feb 2022, 04:21

Maybe you'll be lucky, and only have to pay for its gas.

10th Feb 2022, 05:45

If you have bought from the same high end dealer before, ask. Another way is buy a new one and use the loaner at every service. You do pay for your own gas. If it’s a real cheap car, maybe they will call Uber for you at best. Or a shuttle.

16th Feb 2022, 19:39

If you have a might buy attitude and never carried through a few times buying, don’t expect a trial weekend. I’ve brought even a used Corvette home. You can ship cars from some brokers too; only pay shipping back. Places like Carmax too. But you need to buy another car from them. No problem, sounds fair.

18th Feb 2022, 12:03

Uh huh. Try telling that to 16:54.