11th Dec 2011, 12:19

Yeah, true anyone who doesn't know anything will get taken by everyone for everything. I, however, do know enough about cars not to be taken, and like I've said too many times now (but it doesn't seem to sink in to the GM fanatics), I thoroughly researched my issues and diagnosed every last problem through multiple online forums of dissatisfied GM owners, with the same vehicles and problems I was experiencing. I found every last part down to the penny, and figured my repair costs at the going labor rates. Everything added up exactly as it should have. Why is that so hard for you to accept? GM vehicles are not perfect.

And again, if the GM network of dealers is so dishonest that they are taking people for every dime, then it makes even less sense for me to support them! Toyota, Honda and Subaru dealers seem really honest to me, in comparison, based on your thoughts. Of course, I have never had any of them sounding like a jet on take off, stalling in intersections, smelling like burning transmission fluid, etc. etc., so I guess I really don't know if they would be dishonest. Funny how I never seem to get into the situation where I'd have to deal with any dishonesty when I drive an import, but with GM the deception and lies are everywhere, and you still claim they are so great.

Seriously, I don't spend money on repairs anymore. It is what it is, and nothing you say is going to negate that fact. You aren't proving that GM is good either way, so to go on about dishonesty is just as weak an argument as GM is the perfect vehicle, and I am out of my mind for claiming I had trouble with multiple GM vehicles.

Since you keep following me around the threads on this site, I will go back to updating my imports with more good news that I've reached new mileage milestones, with yet another clear maintenance record and no repairs needed. It has been a refreshing change. Even my "recalled" Toyota has never needed anything fixed or replaced on it.

Good luck with the government subsidized GM. They've been such a great company over the years. Uh huh. And before you post back on this, please read it a few times. Seems some of the details I include get lost by the posts you type back about how uninformed I am and how taken I was etc., etc. Oh, and let's not forget...I am not the one who wrote either this review or the other horrific 2004 TB review, so obviously I am not the only one regretting the purchase of these vehicles.

11th Dec 2011, 12:27

You know, I just thought to look at all of the TB reviews on this site. I never have done that for some reason. Seems there are many many dishonest dealers out there, by the number of horrifically bad reviews there are of them. Seems many have sworn off American vehicles do to the TB... huh, who would have thought?