1992 Buick Century Custom 3.3 liter from North America


A great deal that keeps on ticking


Block heater burnt out.

Engine flooded, causing the spark plugs to become soaked with gas.

Driver's seat is worn and sits at an angle.

General Comments:

Replaced shocks and struts.

Runs great for how many kilometers there are on the car. The engine is in great condition and still has lots of power.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 20th April, 2002

1992 Buick Century Custom 3.3 from North America


Highly reliable!


Numerous repairs have been required, though at 233,000km, some were expected as a result of normal wear and tear. These include:

Transmission at 200,000km.

Brakes, brakes, and more brake work.


Door pins were worn out.

Ignition control module.

Fuel tank and hoses (rusted out due to our salty Nova Scotia winters)

The air conditioner now doesn't work (freon leaked out).

Most of these, including the transmission, were not expected for a car of this age. It's still on its original battery though!

General Comments:

Despite the number of repairs, this has been our cheapest car to own and maintain. Parts for this car are exceptionally cheap, due to the number of these "A-Body" cars out there.

The body is still in good shape. The door panels are showing rust at the bottom, but the panels are easily found at junk yards. Most importantly, there is virtually no rust on the underbody!! The car has never been under-coated.

Although we are expecting to get 300,000km out of this car, we're not sure if it can make it. At 233,000km, the engine is now starting to shimmy excessively and run a little more rough. Hopefully it'll make it to the quarter-million milestone though!

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 13th April, 2002

1992 Buick Century Custom 3.3 liter from North America


Power windows would stick in the down position and it would take an act of God to wiggle the switch right to get them to go back up.

General Comments:

Coming from a Park Avenue, the Century was horrible. Way too small, extremely cheap fabrics, and feel to the whole package. I can't believe Buick made a car like this. Looks like the new body styles are better, but my body style had been around since 1982! Why did I buy the car you ask? Great deal, and I found out why. For a small family, or someone who doesn't care what they drive, this would be a good car.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 31st May, 2000

6th Feb 2001, 18:46

I am offended at the remarks someone made about the '92 Buick Century. I bought my '92 Century one year ago and I have never had a problem with it. It has a decent sized engine which makes it fun to drive. It also handles very well.

I live in Indiana and we had a snow storm about a month ago and some 4-wheel drive vehicles couldn't even make it up a hill, but my car did. My friends all say that my car does the best donuts in the snow, and that is compared to a Chevy Blazer, Monte Carlo, and a Ford Thunderbird.

In my opinion the '92 Century will probably be the best car I will ever drive.

Thank you.