2009 Nissan Cube S 1.8 liter from North America


Awesome car! Fun and practical


Nothing has gone wrong with this car. However, it's less than one year old.

General Comments:

We love our Cube! Still have a 2004 Scion xB and needed another car. Was disappointed with the new xB models getting worse gas mileage than the original, and could not wait for the Cube to arrive in the U.S. One test drive and I was hooked. The best word to describe it is "peppy". Just push the gas and next thing you know you're doing 80. With CVT, you don't feel the shifting between gears -- the only indication is the tachometer moving.

The Cube has nearly the exact size, features, & MPG of the original xB, but with a bigger, faster engine, more seat comfort, less noise, and more features. I loved my xB until I drove the Cube. It handles more like a larger sedan. The rear seats can actually move up & back and also recline -- very important for rear seat passengers on long trips. The rear door opens to the side, instead of up -- more convenient and (I anticipate) more reliable.

Like the xB, the Cube is basically a short, tall station wagon. It is very easy to get in & out of, has lots of headroom, plenty of space for 4 adults. It has limited rear storage with the seats up, but they can fold down to create an enormous amount of space if you have no rear passengers.

The car is fine for long trips too. We took it from San Antonio, TX to Colorado and back. It did just fine over the hills of West TX and New Mexico doing 70+.

I would buy another one today if I could afford two car payments.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 28th February, 2010

8th Mar 2012, 09:57


We sold it back to the same dealer after about 30 months of use, and just shy of 30,000 miles. Originally the car was purchased for $16,500, and financed for about 18K with all the extra financing stuff.

When we sold it back, Nissan gave us $12,900 (a thousand in Nissan Bucks) and put it on their lot for $15,999.

This was by far the cheapest car I've ever owned, thanks to the desirability of these cars. It was fun to drive, got a lot of attention, both good and bad, but was never boring.

A few comments on the longer-term issues with the car: We did have trouble with the blower motor for the AC/Heat. When it went out the first time, about a year ago, the dash had to be taken apart and the motor replaced -- an entire day's work and a week to plan in the middle of January in North Dakota. Not cool. When they reinstalled the dash, suddenly we had a lot of squeaks and noises, which was also less than cool.

In addition, on snow, ice, and in the mud up here, we had a lot of trouble with the weak tires the car came with. We never replaced them and got a ding on the trade in, but the fact is the car slides around a lot. It catches a lot of wind and slips on very minimal amounts of snow.

Finally, I would say this car was a great purchase financially, but also for our kids. We had another while we had the car, and two kids, two adults and suitcases was a challenge, but very doable even in the seemingly small space the Cube offers.

At the end of the day, if my wife didn't need a car with a more conservative appearance (for her job), we would have driven it into the ground. A fun car, but most fun for a driver in a big city with mild winters. This car would be The Bomb in Miami, Houston, Atlanta, San Diego -- places with weather closer to that of Japan's. Not Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Really enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!


31st May 2013, 23:10

Definitely not the car's issue that it didn't have proper winter tires for the snow driving conditions. Great review otherwise.

2009 Nissan Cube SL 1.8L from North America


Boxy charm in a practical package


Nothing yet, but it is very new.

General Comments:

The shape of these cars is downright polarizing. Some people, like my wife and I, love the car. We think it is cool, and quirky. Other folks, not so much. The first weekend we had the car, we parked it at the zoo. When we cam back, someone had spit right in the center of the driver's side window. (It was clearly spit -- I'm not being paranoid.) That is something about this car that some folks will deal with, FYI.

For our part, we love the car. That big window in the back makes parallel parking a snap. In fact, it was difficult getting used to how much better you could see when parking, a different kind of problem, really.

The seats are incredibly comfortable for such an inexpensive car. Also new for me was the fact that the rear seat adjusts front and back and reclines a bit for comfort. The car looks small, and it is, but feel spacious inside. I was surprised at the accessibility -- getting in and out is easy for my 6 foot 2 carpool buddy, who does prefer the front seat. He remarked though that even he can't reach the windshield while sitting.

The most interesting feature is the CVT (continuously variable transmission). From a standing start, to getting on the freeway, say, you feel like you're in one gear -- there is no discernible gear-shifting. At first, that lack of tangible performance feels weird, but you get used to it, and come to enjoy it, in my case, rather quickly. The 1.8L 4 cylinder is peppy, but the car isn't going to win any races. However, you won't feel like you are under-powered either unless you were looking for a 5 series BMW and settled on this.

Two things I don't like about the car: First, up here in North Dakota, we get a heck of a lot of wind. On the highway, the vehicle's high-profile toes mean you catch a bit more of that than I’d like. In strong sidewinds, the car drifts more than most cars we’ve owned, and means you should use extra caution on very windy days.

Secondly, I hate hate hate the sun visors in this car. They are just completely inferior. They block most of the sun through the windshield, but as for the door? Forget it. They are about 8 inches too short, which is annoying. I wish there was something that could be done about this, but I’m sure not.

Finally, I would say we looked at a lot of cars before settling on the Cube. We liked the Xb, Camry and Element, too, but the Cube offered most of what those vehicles had at a more reasonable price. Looking back, I would make the same decision again. I’ll check back in a year or so and try to give an update on this vehicle.

Would you buy another car from this manufacturer? Yes

Review Date: 1st October, 2009

31st Oct 2009, 15:46

I agree with this review. I'm glad to see that someone was first to write a review on the iconic Nissan Cube.

As for someone spitting on the car. Are you sure it's not the driver that they saw park the car at the Zoo? You never know, it might be a more personal attack. I hope not.

I'm glad you reviewed the Cube because I'm thinking of getting one, and to see someone buy one and be satisfied with it is the best advertising for a car.